Thursday, August 8, 2013

chinese pickles

Every summer, my father makes these cold, crispy, and pungent pickles that pair so well with hot rice. I call them "chinese pickles" because there's really no name for them, and their ingredients lend traditional Chinese flavors. Something I really admire about my father as a cook is that he manages to produce delicious dishes without ever following recipes; he simply goes about liberally, adding and tasting. These pickles are made just like that. A swish of soy sauce and vinegar here, a sprinkling of five-spice powder and garlic there - it's all up to the maker's tastebuds. Mix the cucumbers every once a while to not only ensure that all cucumbers get soaked in the solution, but also to prevent the bottom ones from becoming too saturated and sour.

Cucumbers, all chopped up.
Soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, 5-spice powder, garlic.
After a day of mixing and soaking...and eating!
This post is dedicated to my father in acknowledgement of all the wonderful things he has taught me and provided me, which include an insatiable appetite and borderline-obsession with food.

To all the papas out there: Happy father's day! :) *

*In Taiwan, Father's Day is August 8 because 8/8 is pronounced "ba ba" in Chinese, which is coincidentally the same sound as "father". Being Taiwanese, we always celebrate Father's Day on 8/8!

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