Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Worst Food Hybrids In Existence

Food hybrids have been "all the craze". There have been amazing successes - cronuts, cruffins, the ramen burger - and then there has been the ramnut. Yes, the ramen donut. Usually I do not make concluding judgments about foods until I have tasted them, but just know.

The concept of the ramnut is almost as nauseating as this video showing you how to make them.

Just because something can be deep-fried and covered in icing sugar shouldn't make it a thing. Which brings me to the wonut. Yes, another donut-related hybrid, because folks are really creative running out of ideas. This actually sounds like it would taste fine, but seriously, it's probably the most snooze-worthy of food hybrids. I'm pretty sure that deep fried waffles have always been a thing at country fairs - and that's where they belong.

Let's be honest. These are basically donuts shaped like waffles. 

For the grand finale, I present the pizza cake. There is not much explaining to do for this one; a picture is worth a thousands words. I'll just let you soak that in...

I can't look at this too long without my stomach churning...

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